OTL 4.0, How to compile OTL

How to compile OTL

OTL 4.0 is an integrated library which contains a template stream framework and OTL-adapters for the OCI7, OCI8, OCI8i, OCI9i, OCI10g, OCI10gR2, OCI11g, OCI11gR2, OCI12c, ODBC 2.5, ODBC 3.x, DB2 CLI, Informix CLI, TimesTen CLI, etc. The following macro definitions (#define's) need to be used in order to compile OTL for each type of the underlying database API from the list above:

#define Name Explanation
OTL_DB2_CLI for DB2 Call Level Interface (CLI)

for Enterprise DB ODBC provider. Enterprise DB is a variant of PostgreSQL that was made compatible with Oracle (up to some extent) and commercially available.
for Informix Call Level Interface (32-bit and 64-bit) for Unix (when  OTL_ODBC_UNIX is enabled).
OTL_IODBC_BSD for ODBC on BSD Unix, when iODBC package is used
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 requires special treatment when VARCHAR(MAX), VARBINARY(MAX), and NVARCHAR(MAX) are used. MS SQL 2005's Native SQL Client (SNAC) handles the new XXX(MAX) data types in a different way, compared with TEXT, NTEXT, and IMAGE data types. If the XXX(MAX) types are not used, #define OTL_ODBC can be used. Otherwise, this new #define OTL_ODBC_MSSQL_2005 should be used.

MS SQL Server 2008 has new features like datetime2, date, time, file stream based VARBINARY(MAX), etc. This #define enables OTL support for most of the new features. This #define is good to be used with SQL Server SQL 2008, SQL Server 2008 Release 2, and SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, and SQL Server 2016.

This #define should be used when there is a need to connect via ODBC to more than one database type from the same time. For more detail see otl_connect::set_connection_mode(), and OTL example 675.
This #define should be used with SQLite ODBC drivers or when used with ODBC drivers, and otl_connect::direct_exec() returns 0 when it's supposed to return a positive integer (a.k.a. rows processed count).
OTL_ODBC_MYSQL for MyODBC/MySQL. The difference between OTL_ODBC_MYSQL and OTL_ODBC is that transactional ODBC function calls are turned off for OTL_ODBC_MYSQL, since MySQL does not have transactions, unless innoDB table type is used.. This #define should only used with the MyODBC 2.5, which is very old at this point in time. See MySQL based OTL code examples for more detail.

PostgreSQL ODBC can be used with the standard #define OTL_ODBC. However, PostgreSQL has at least two ODBC drivers,  and some of them should be used with #define OTL_ODBC_POSTGRESQL. The following list specifies the differences between #define OTL_ODBC and #define OTL_ODBC_POSTGRESQL in more detail:
  • Linux
    • psqlodbc.so,  psqlodbcw.so should be used with #define OTL_ODBC_POSTGRESQL
    • libodbcpsql.so should be used with #define OTL_ODBC
  • Solaris
    • libodbcpsql.so should be used with #define OTL_ODBC_POSTGRESQL
  • Windows
    • pgsqlodbc30a.dll, pgsqlodbc35w.dll should be used with #define OTL_ODBC_POSTGRESQL

for TimesTen in Unix/Linux. TimesTen supports ODBC. Unlike many other database systems, where ODBC API support may be much slower than the proprietary interface, ODBC is the native TimesTen interface that operates directly with the database engine. TimesTen ODBC driver has the following extensions that are available through OTL:
  • the named notation for bind variables / placeholders
  • TT_PRFEFETCH_COUNT ([0..128] range)

See "how to compile TimesTen in Linux/Unix" for more detail.
for TimesTen in Windows. TimesTen supports ODBC. Unlike many other database systems, where ODBC API support may be much slower than the proprietary interface, ODBC is the native TimesTen interface that operates directly with the database engine. ODBC driver has the following extensions that are available through OTL:
  • the named notation for bind variables / placeholders
  • TT_PRFEFETCH_COUNT ([1..128] range)
See how to compile TimesTen in Windows for more detail.
OTL_ODBC_UNIX for ODBC bridges in Unix
OTL_ODBC_XTG_IBASE6 for Interbase 6.x via XTG Systems'  ODBC driver. The reason for introducing this #define is that the ODBC driver is the only Open Source ODBC driver for Interbase. Other drivers, like Easysoft's ODBC for Interbase, are commercial products, and it beats the purpose of using Interbase, as an Open Source.database server.
OTL_ORA9I for OCI9i. All code that compiles and works under #define OTL_ORA8, and OTL_ORA8I, should work when OTL_ORA9I is used
for OCI10g. All code that compiles and works  under #define OTL_ORA8, OTL_ORA8I, OTL_ORA9I, should work with OTL_ORA10G.
OTL_ORA10G_R2 for OCI10g, Release 2 (Oracle 10.2). All code that compiles and works  under #define OTL_ORA8, OTL_ORA8I, OTL_ORA9I, and OTL_ORA10G should work with OTL_ORA10G_R2 .
for OCI11g Release 1 (Oracle 11.1). All code that compiles and works under #define OTL_ORA8, OTL_ORA8I, OTL_ORA9I, OTL_ORA10G, and OTL_ORA10G_R2 should work with OTL_ORA11G.
for OCI 11G Release 2 (Oracle 11.2). All code that compiles and works under #defines OTL_ORA8-11G should work with OTL_ORA11G_R2.
for OCI 12c (Oracle 12.1). All code that compiles under #defines OTL_ORA8-11G_R2 should work with OTL_ORA12C.
for OCI 12c R2 (Oracle 12.2). All code that compiles under #defines OTL_ORA8-12C should work under OTL_ORA12C_R2
for OCI 18c. All code that compiles under #defines OTL_ORA8-12C_R2 should work under OTL_ORA18C.
for OCI 19c and OCI 21c. All code that compiles under #defines OTL_ORA8-18C should work under OTL_ORA19C.

There are several extra macro definitions which control compilation of the OTL header file:

OTL_ACE  (the same as #define OTL_STL, only for use with Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE)). This #defines makes OTL compile with ACE. Most features of OTL, which require #define OTL_STL to be on, compile with ACE, except for otl_output_iterator, otl_input_iterator., and the STL vector based PL/SQL table container classes (otl_XXX_vec). OTL stream iterators were not implemented for ACE since the concept of stream iterators is not present in ACE. Same with with the otl_XXX_vec: vectors are not implemented in ACE. ACE has only dynamic arrays with dynamically defined sizes.
This #define enables the addition of one byte / Unicode character to the size of a string buffer, when the buffer gets allocated on the program's heap. This alleviates the burden of remembering that an extra byte / Unicode character needs to be added to the string buffer size to accommodate the string's NULL terminator.
OTL_ANSI_CPP  for turning on ANSI C++ compliance mode: ANSI C++ typecasts (static_cast<>, const_cast<>, reinterpret_cast<> instead of C-style typecasts), optional function throw clauses, typename instead of class keywords in class type template class parameters, etc.
This #define can be used to enable OTL features that depend on C++11 variadic templates for C++11 compliant compilers that OTL doesn't support automatically. As of October of 2013, OTL enables this #define for GNU C++ 4.7 and higher, as well as for Visual C++ 2013 and higher.
OTL_BIGINT  This #define enables support for bigint (signed 64-bit integer) bind variables by specifying a signed 64-bit integer data type name, for example:
#define OTL_BIGINT __int64 // VC++, Borland C++
#define OTL_BIGINT long long // GNU C++

ODBC and DB2-CLI support 64-bit integers natively, so does OTL. No 32-bit OCI (OCI7,OCI8, OCI8i, OCI9i, OCI10g, OCI11g) prior to OCI 11.2 supports 64-bit integers, so OTL has to emulate this type of bind variables via strings (char[XXX]). OTL allocates and  binds a string variable with a placeholder that is defined as <bigint>.

In case if OTL_BIGINT under a 32-bit C++ compiler, and one of the OTL_ORAxx #defines (or OTL_ODBC is used with an ODBC driver that doesn't support 64-bit integers natively) are defined together, the following two defines also need to be enabled: OTL_BIGINT_TO_STR, OTL_STR_TO_BIGINT.

In 64-bit OCIs (OTL/ORAXXX) on LP64 platformts, #define OTL_ORA_MAP_BIGINT_TO_LONG can be used to map <bigint> to 64-bit longs on LP64 platforms, which is more efficient than the char[XXX] OCI binding for <bigint>.

When OTL_ORA11G_R2 is defined, OTL_BIGINT is supported natively for both 32-bit and 64-bit OCI11.2.

This #define is required when OTL_BIGINT is enabled and when one of OTL_ORAxx #defines (or OTL_ODBC is used with an ODBC driver that doesn't support 64-bit integers natively) is enabled, in order to support OTL internal bigint-to-string conversion. This #define is supposed to provide bigint-to-string conversion code that is most probably C++ compiler specific (because 64-bit ints are not part of the ANSI C++ standard), for example:
#if defined(_MSC_VER) // VC++

#define OTL_BIGINT __int64

#define OTL_STR_TO_BIGINT(str,n) \
{ \
n=_atoi64(str); \

#define OTL_BIGINT_TO_STR(n,str) \
{ \
_i64toa(n,str,10); \

This #define enables "bind variable strict type checking", that is, typos in bind variable data type declarations get checked strictly. OTL, for performance, checks out as few characters as possible in a bind variable declaration, in order to recognize a legitimate data type declaration. Sometimes, it results in some parts of unrecognized declaration to be left as is, which, in its turn, causes a database runtime error, typically, an SQL statement parse error. In most cases, it's okay, no trouble whatsoever. In very rare cases, depending on a concrete release of a database API, on a specific platform, it causes a program core dump / crash.

It is recommended to use this #define as part of the "Debug mode", in order to sort out errors of this kind. Then, when compiling in "Release mode", the #define could be dropped.
These #defines enable customized "variable type checking". For example, if an INSERT statement has a bind variable of "bigint" (signed 64-bit integer), it is safe to enter a signed 32-bit integer (int), or signed 16-bit integer (short). Or, a SELECT statement has an output column of "int", it is safe to read it into a signed 64-bit integer C++ variable. The #defines point OTL to user defined predicate functions that return bool to indicate which data types are compatible. For example:

bool otl_check_in_type_func(int bind_var_type, int cpp_var_type);
#define OTL_CHECK_IN_TYPE_FUNC otl_check_in_type_func

bool otl_check_out_type_func(int bind_var_type, int cpp_var_type);
#define OTL_CHECK_OUT_TYPE_FUNC otl_check_out_type_func

#include <otlv4.h>

bool otl_check_in_type_func
(int bind_var_type, int cpp_var_type)           

  if(bind_var_type==otl_var_bigint && cpp_var_type==otl_var_int)
      return true;
    return false;                                                      

bool otl_check_out_type_func
(int bind_var_type, int cpp_var_type)           

  if(bind_var_type==otl_var_int && cpp_var_type==otl_var_bigint)
      return true;
    return false;                                                      

OTL_CHECK_IN_TYPE_FUNC defines a predicate function to indicate data type compatibility of input (in direction from C++ to SQL) variables.

OTL_CHECK_OUT_TYPE_FUNC defines a predicate function to indicate data type compatibility of output (in direction from SQL to C++) variables.

For more detail on input / output variables, see the OTL stream concept chapter.

It is safe to define just one of these #defines. For example, to define OTL_CHECK_IN_TYPE_FUNC and not to define OTL_CHECK_OUT_TYPE_FUNC if customized variable type checking is needed for input variables only. The predicate functions that are passed into OTL via these #defines are used in addition (via "or" operator (||) ) to the default type checking, which tries to match the types of a bind variable and a C++ variable exactly.

Also, if OTL_STRICT_NUMERIC_TYPE_CHECK_ON_SELECT is used, these #defines do not override it.
This #define enables OTL to use thread safety of CLANG when C++11 and higher is used under #defines OTL_CPP_11_ON, OTL_CPP14_ON, or OTL_CPP_17_ON. OTL doesn't use -Wthread-safety-negative because it's still an experimental feature. -Wthread-safety can be used with this #define. This #define is recommended for use with CLANG 3.7 and higher.
This #define enables OTL connect pooling template class. The class implement database connection pooling, which can be used with otl_connect objects.
This #define enables optional data members (that get enabled by #defines / get conditionally compiled) in such classes as otl_datetime (tz_hour, tz_minute), and otl_column_desc (charset_form, char_size). This allows multiple instances of OTL (like, say, OTL_ODBC and OTL_ORA_UTF8) to be compiled into separate object files and to be linked together into the same executable. This #define solves the problem that when optional data members in the otl_column_desc and  otl_datetime classes are enabled, the classes become size incompatible between multiple different instances of OTL in the same program. In order to make them size compatible again, the optional data members need to be enabled for all instances of OTL that are enabled to be built into the same executable (for example, one module enables OTL_ODBC, another module enables OTL_ORA_UTF8), and both modules get linked together into the same executable.

This #define needs to be enabled in all compilation units (.cpp files).
This #define enables OTL to use C++11 features, such as rvalue references, move constructors, noexcept, nullptr, variadic template functions, etc. OTL uses C++11 features automatically under Visual C++ 10 or higher up to Visual C++ 2013 (a.k.a. always on). g++ enables such feature only when "-std=c++11" command line switch is used (a.k.a. optional).

This #define enables OTL to use C++14 features, such as std::make_unique, etc. The current list of C++ compilers that support C++14 includes at least g++ and clang, and Visual Studio 2015. When this #define is enabled, it automatically enables #define OTL_CPP_11_ON.

OTL_CPP_17_ON This #define enables OTL to use C++17 features, such as std::uncaught_exceptions(), etc. The current list of C++ compilers that have some support for C++17 includes at least g++ 6.1 and higher (-std=c++17), or CLANG 3.8 and higher (-std=c++1z). When this #define is enabled, it automatically enables #define OTL_CPP_11_ON, and #define OTL_CPP_14_ON. OTL automatically enables this #define when std=c++latest for Visual C++ 2017 is used.

OTL_CPP_20_ON This #define enables OTL to use C++20 features, such as std::span, etc. When this #define is enabled, it automatically enables #define OTL_CPP_11_ON, #define OTL_CPP_14_ON, and #define OTL_CPP_17_ON. This #define needs to be enabled explicitly for now, until C++ compilers fully implement C++20 standard.

OTL_CPP_23_ON This #define should be used when C++ compiler is used in C++23 mode.
This #define should be used when #define OTL_UNICODE_STRING_TYPE is used, and when the specified string class has a "c_str()" function under a different name, like in wxWidgets version 2.9.x or higher: wc_str(). This #define specifies the "c_str()" function name, for example:

#define OTL_UNICODE_STRING_TYPE_CAST_FROM_CHAR(s, c_ptr, len) {s=wxString(c_ptr,len);}

This #define works in a combination with #define OTL_DB2_CLI. It should be used in the case of the DB2 CLI on the client side and the DB2 OS/390 on the server side, because all VARCHAR table columns that are >= 255 bytes get reported by the DB2 CLI as SQL_LONG_VARCHARs (normally reserved for DB2 CLOB columns). In DB2 UDB distributed (non-OS/390 flavor), all VARCHARs get reported as DB2 CLI's SQL_VARCHARs. When #define OTL_DB2_MAP_LONG_VARCHAR_TO_VARCHAR is defined, all VARCHAR table colunms, which are shorter (<=) than the value defined by the #define, get mapped to SQL_VARCHAR, even though the DB2 CLI reports the columns as SQL_LONG_VARCHARs. For example:

#define OTL_DB2_CLI
#include <otlv4.h>

In this example, all VARCHAR table columns, that are <= 4000 bytes, will be mapped to SQL_VARCHAR, even though the client code connects to a DB2 OS/390 database, and the client DB2 CLI reports the columns as SQL_LONG_VARCHARs. This
kind of datatype mapping happens only on SELECT statements, or stored procedures that return a result set.
When #define OTL_STREAM_WITH_STD_OPTIONAL_ON is enabled, the C++ compiler that compiles OTL supports C++17 (std::optional), and the actual optional<> template is std::optional<> instead of experimental/optional, this #define can be used in order to resolve a compilation error if one comes up during compilation.

When this #define is set to a char value, in the case of a NULL, returned from the database, OTL assigns the value to the variable that is used in operator>>(char&), or in operator(unsigned char&). At the same time, otl_stream::is_null() can be used to check for NULL. This default value is more of a convenience than necessity.
When this #define is set to a numeric value, in the case of a NULL returned from the database, OTL assigns the value to the variable that is used in operator>>(numeric_type&).  At the same time, otl_stream::is_null() can be used to check for NULL. This default value is more of a convenience than necessity.
When this #define is set to a value of otl_datetime datatype, in the case of a NULL, returned from the database, OTL assigns the value to to the variable that is used in operator>>(otl_datetime&). At the same time, otl_stream::is_null() can be used to check for NULL. This default value is more of a convenience than necessity.

When this #define is set to a string value, in the case of a NULL, returned from the database., OTL assigns the value to the variable that is used in operator>>(std::string&), or in operator>>(ACE_TString&), or in a string class, defined by #define USER_DEFINED_STRING_CLASS: oparetor>>(USER_DEFINED_STRING_CLASS&). Also, OTL assigns the value to the variable that is used in operator>>(char*), or in operator>>(unsigned char*). At the same time, otl_stream::is_null() can be used to check for NULL. This default value is more of a convenience than necessity.
Top C++ experts say that "throwing destructors" are bad. OTL throws exceptions from destructors by default in order to communicate database errors via otl_exceptions. OTL also makes the maximum effort to detect the stack unwinding situation and not to throw exceptions from destructors in that case, because that would result in an immediate program abort. #define OTL_DESTRUCTORS_DO_NOT_THROW enables try/catch blocks to prevent OTL destructors from throwing exceptions. See this for more detail on the topic. It's strongly recommended, if you enable this #define, to make sure that every single instance of otl_connect, otl_stream, otl_lob_stream releases its underlying resources when it goes out of scope. In the worst case, information about a database error may be lost.

This #define disables the operator<<(ostream&,const otl_value<otl_datetime>&), so that the operator can be overloaded outside the OTL header file.
MS SQL SQL 2005 and 2008 support the Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS), which is not enabled by default. In order for MARS to be enabled, an ODBC function call needs to be made. This #define enables the corresponding ODBC function call.
This #define allows otl_exceptions to capture the first XXX characters of a large input string (VARCHAR value) in case of the OTL defined exception "input value is too large to fit into the buffer" (code 32005), where XXX is the size of the corresponding :v<char[XXX]> bind variable. This #define should be used with #define OTL_EXCEPTION_DERIVED_FROM. For more detail, see OTL code example 205, 206, 207.
This #define passes a call to a base class constructor to the following constructors in otl_tmpl_exception class when #define is used OTL_EXCEPTION_DERIVED_FROM:
  • otl_tmpl_exception(const char *amsg, const int acode, const char *sqlstm,
                                     const char *varinfo, const void *input_string,
                                     int input_string_size)
  • otl_tmpl_exception(const char *amsg, const int acode,
                                    const char *sqlstm = nullptr,
                                    const char *varinfo = nullptr)

A need for this kind of thing arises when more context has to be passed into the base class which OTL exception is derived from. For example:

#define OTL_EXCEPTION_DERIVED_FROM my_base_exception
my_base_exception(amsg, acode, sqlstm, varinfo)


This #define is a shortcut for the following when #define OTL_UNICODE_EXCEPTION_AND_RLOGON is NOT used:

#define OTL_EXCEPTION_DERIVED_FROM std::exception
#define OTL_EXCEPTION_HAS_MEMBERS                       \
    virtual const char* what() const                    \
    {                                                   \
      return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(msg);        \

When #define OTL_UNICODE_EXCEPTION_RLOGON is used, OTL converts the double-byte (UTF-16) character error string into a single-byte character error string and returns a const char* pointer to the single-byte character error string. If you need to get to the double-byte (UTF-16) error message, deriving otl_exception from std::exception is not appropriate, because std::exception::what() returns a const char* instead of const wchar_t*.

This #define allows the otl_exception class to be included into already existing hierarchy of exception classes. The #define should specify a name of already existing class, which is used as part of the exception class hierarchy. The STL exception class hiararchy is a good example. otl_exception can be derived from one of the classes in the hierarchy, so that a catch block, that catches exception of the base class, will be able to catch exceptions of the otl_exception class. In the OTL header file, in case if this #define is defined, the class, defined in the #define, will be specified as a base class for the otl_exception class.
This #define enables the so called SQL Statement Parse Error Offset, and it is available for OTL/OCIx only. When an otl_exception gets thrown, and it has otl_exception::stm_text field populated, the parse error offset will point to the actual position of the SQL error.
This #define allows the user to define new member functions or data members in the otl_exception class. The OTL header file checks out whether this #define is defined, and then the body of the #define gets included textually into the body of the otl_exception class. This simple technique allows the otl_exception class to have new members. This #define can be used in a combination with #define OTL_EXCEPTION_DERIVED_FROM.

(for turning on namespaces)

This #define specifies a new size for the otl_exception::stm_text buffer. By default, it's 2048 bytes, that is, the actual otl_exception will contain only 2047 first bytes of the SQL statement, associated with the exception. If more bytes of the SQL statement text is needed, the #define can come handy.This #define can be used in a combination with #define OTL_EXCEPTION_ENABLE_ERROR_OFFSET, for example:


(for enabling the otl_exception's extended fields for OTL/ODBC and OTL/DB2-CLI). This is for fixing problem 47.
OTL internally uses arrays of bind variable descriptors. Initial sizes of such arrays are in the range of [512..1024], depending on the underlying database APIs. If an SQL statement contains more [than the initial size of such an array] bind variables, or SELECT output columns, OTL may resize internal arrays of bind variable descriptors dynamically, as it parses out the SQL statement. Some programs open and close OTL streams a lot, and are supposed to stay up and running for months, which eventually results in dynamic heap fragmentation. This #define can override the initial size in order to avoid dynamic heap fragmentation. It's recommended to lower down the size to, say, 64, or 128 in case if heap fragmentation is of a concern:



This #define needs to be defined in order to switch the default formatting of the fractional part of the second (class otl_datetime) to the old way (before OTL 4.0.364). The old format doesn't have any leading zeros. For example, fractional precision is set to 6 and the actual value is 1234. In the old format the value will be .1234, and in the new format it will be .001234. The format can be completely overridden with #define OTL_TRACE_FORMAT_DATETIME and #define OTL_TRACE_FORMAT_TZ_DATETIME.

ODBC / DB2-CLI only. This #define enables mapping of SQL_C_FLOAT to SQL_REAL. By default, OTL maps SQL_C_FLOAT to SQL_FLOAT. It's normally required when OTL is used with MS ACCESS ODBC driver, and when floating point values are used.


OTL uses noexcept, throw(), etc. for its functions that don't throw exceptions, depending on the version of the C++ compiler, and what the compiler [being used] supports. This #define overrides that default behavior, and uses throw(). So, this #define is recommended for pre-C++11 compilers that only support throw().


Under #define OTL_ODBC, and #define OTL_DB2_CLI, OTL converts characters (char) into wide character (SQLWCHAR)  and wide characters into characters on otl_connect::rlogon(), under #define OTL_EXCEPTION_IS_DERIVED_FROM_STD_EXCEPTION, etc, when Unicode ODBC drivers are used, and when OTL based C++ projects enable Unicode Characters, for example, in a Visual C++ project. Also, national character sets (like, say, Cyrillic based Eastern European character sets) can be used at the same time. OTL default character-to-wide-character conversion functions do type casts, which is incorrect for Eastern European character sets. This #define is needed for such use cases. This #define is used to override the OTL default character-to-wide-character functions (see example below).

// Implement the functions below using proper OS calls to
// convert your national character set to wide characters, for example
// for Windows, MultiByteToWideChar().
inline void otl_convert_char_to_SQLWCHAR_2      \
(SQLWCHAR *dst,                                 \
 const unsigned char *src)                      \
{                                               \
  while (*src)                                  \
    *dst++ = static_cast<SQLWCHAR>(*src++);     \
  *dst = 0;                                     \
}                                               \
inline void otl_convert_SQLWCHAR_to_char_2      \
(unsigned char *dst,                            \
 const SQLWCHAR *src)                           \
{                                               \
  while (*src)                                  \
    *dst++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(*src++);\
  *dst = 0;                                     \
OCI 11/12 or higher. This #define enables native support for Oracle Spatial Geometry.

otl_stream defines operators >> /<< for reading / writing oci_spatial_geometry values to/from the Oracle database.

otl_refcur_stream defines operators >> / << for reading / writing oci_spatial_geometry values to/from the Oracle database.

For more detail on The Oracle Spatial Geometry type MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY, see the corresponding Oracle manual.

OTL_STD_STRING_VIEW_CLASS This #define enables OTL support for std::string_view or std::experimental::string_view. By default, such OTL support is disabled. This #define should be defined to have the actual string view class name, for example:

#define OTL_STD_STRING_VIEW_CLASS std::experimental::string_view

The feature can only be enabled when OTL is compiled in C++14, or C++17 mode.

Respectively, OTL defines #defines OTL_CPP_14_ON / OTL_CPP_17_ON  automatically, or the defines should be enabled explicitly before including the OTL header file (otlv4.h). The feature requires #defines OTL_CPP_14_ON / OTL_CPP_17_ON to be present.

This #define enables OTL support for std::basic_string_view or std::experimental::basic_string_view, when basic_string_view is used with UTF-16 characters. By default, such OTL support is disabled. This #define should be defined to have the actual string view class name, for example:

std::experimental::basic_string_view<UTF-16 character type>

The feature can only be enabled when OTL is compiled in C++14, or C++17 mode.

Respectively, OTL defines #defines OTL_CPP_14_ON / OTL_CPP_17_ON  automatically, or the defines should be enabled explicitly before including the OTL header file (otlv4.h). The feature requires #defines OTL_CPP_14_ON / OTL_CPP_17_ON to be present. Also, this #define requires #define OTL_UNICODE_CHAR_TYPE to be present.

These #defines can be used when classes from third party libraries similar to std::string_view / std::basic_string_view<> are used, for example boost::string_view / boost::basic_string_view<>. The only requirement for third party string views is that the class should provide length() and data() methods. These #defines do not require #defines OTL_CPP_14_ON / OTL_CPP_17_ON to be enabled.


#define OTL_THIRD_PARTY_STRING_VIEW_CLASS boost::string_view


This #define allows internal "throw (otl_exception)" statements inside the OTL header file to be overridden with a customized version. By default, #define OTL_THROW(x) is throw x.


These #defines allow the user to override what C string functions OTL uses, for example, here's how it could be done for VC++ 8.0 and higher:

#define OTL_STRCAT_S(dest, dest_sz, src) strcat_s(dest, dest_sz, src)

#define OTL_STRCPY_S(dest, dest_sz, src) strcpy_s(dest, dest_sz, src)

#define OTL_STRNCPY_S(dest, dest_sz, src, count) \
strncpy_s(dest, dest_sz, src, count)

#define OTL_SPRINTF_S sprintf_s

If there is a need to use more secure than compiler provided C string functions, these #defines should be used.

This #define is a customization point for replacing OTL default otl_stream& operator<<(const char) and otl_stream& operator<<(const unsigned char) operators. For example, there is a need to define otl_stream& operator<<(const int8_t) and otl_stream& operator<<(const uint8_t) to implement numeric semantic for uint8_t and int8_t, but the C++ compiler typedefs  the types as unsigned char and signed char.

This #define enables OTL support for std::array<char,...>. By default, such OTL support is disabled for backward compatibility. For the feature to be enabled, OTL requires #define OTL_CPP_14_ON to be defined as well, or when GNU C++ 4.4 is used with -std=c++0x. The advantage of std::array<char,...> container is that it does not decay to a pointer to char, so OTL can check the maximum size of the container, and throw an otl_exception if the actual database string value exceeds the maximum size of the container.


This #define enables OTL support for std::array<char16_t,...>. By default, such OTL support is disabled for backward compatibility with older C++ compilers. For the feature to be enabled, OTL requires #define OTL_CPP_14_ON to be defined as well, or when GNU C++ 4.4 is used with -std=c++0x. The advantage of std::array<char16,...> is that it does not decay to a pointer to char16_t, so OTL can check the maximum size of the container, and throw an otl_exception if the actual database string size exceeds the maximum size of the container.

This #define enables OTL support for std::optional<>. By default, such OTL support is disabled, in order to avoid conflicts in overloaded operators >> / << in BOOST.

OTL_STREAM_WITH_STD_SPAN_ON This #define enables OTL support for std::span. By default, such OTL support is disabled for backward compatibility. For the feature to be enabled, OTL requires #define OTL_CPP_20_ON to be defined as well.

This #define enables OTL  support for std::tuple<>. By default, such OTL support is disabled for backward compatibility. For the feature to be enabled, OTL requires #define OTL_CPP_14_ON to be defined as well, or when GNU C++ 4.4 is used with -std=c++0x.

OTL_STREAM_WITH_STD_VARIANT_ON This #define enables OTL support for std::variant<>. By default, such OTL support is disabled for backward compatibility. For the feature to be enabled, OTL requires #define OTL_CPP_17_ON to be defined as well.



OTL tracing uses the US date format. In order to change the date format, say, to Year-Month-Day, the following two #defines need to be defined:

#define OTL_TRACE_FORMAT_TZ_DATETIME(s)                         \
s.year<<"-"<<s.month<<"-"<<s.day                                \
<<" "<<s.hour<<":"<<s.minute<<":"<<s.second<<"."<<s.fraction    \
<<" "<<s.tz_hour<<":"<<s.tz_minute

#define OTL_TRACE_FORMAT_DATETIME(s)                            \
s.year<<"-"<<s.month<<"-"<<s.day                                \
<<" "<<s.hour<<":"<<s.minute<<":"<<s.second<<"."<<s.fraction

By default, OTL uses the US date format:

#define OTL_TRACE_FORMAT_TZ_DATETIME(s)                         \
s.month<<"/"<<s.day<<"/"<<s.year                                \
<<" "<<s.hour<<":"<<s.minute<<":"<<s.second<<"."<<s.fraction    \
<<" "<<s.tz_hour<<":"<<s.tz_minute

#define OTL_TRACE_FORMAT_DATETIME(s)                            \
s.month<<"/"<<s.day<<"/"<<s.year                                \
<<" "<<s.hour<<":"<<s.minute<<":"<<s.second<<"."<<s.fraction

It is sufficient to overload operator<<(ostream&, const otl_datetime&) and use it in the #define's above. However,
some projects that use OTL tracing developed their own stream bridge classes, which are used with OTL tracing. In the case of such a stream bridge class, operator<<(stream_bridge_class&, const otl_datetime&) can be overloaded and used, for example:



This #define should be used with the PostgreSQL ODBC driver. The driver returns as many row counts via SQLRowCount() calls as there are rows in a batch INSERT statement. The #define enables a loop that fetches all individual row counts and sums them up (+=). As a result, otl_stream::get_rpc() returns the total, which is correct for PostgreSQL. Normally, commercially available ODBC drivers return a single row count on a batch INSERT.
Some ODBC drivers can't reuse underlying ODBC connect related resources. In order for OTL to fully recover from a database failure, the resources need to be released and new resources need to be allocated for otl_connect objects to work. Some versions of the Oracle ODBC driver for Oracle show that type behavior. This #define forces otl_connect::logoff() to the ODBC connect resources so that the next call to otl_connect::rlogon() would allocate the resources again.

This #define defines conversion from the string/varchar format to the timestamp format (otl_datetime), for example, PostgreSQL's timestamps with time zone, or MS SQL Server 2008's datetimeoffset(7):

for PostgreSQL:
#define OTL_ODBC_STRING_TO_TIMESTAMP(str,tm)            \
{ \
sscanf(str, \
"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld%hd", \
&tm.year, \
&tm.month, \
&tm.day, \
&tm.hour, \
&tm.minute, \
&tm.second, \
&tm.fraction, \
&tm.tz_hour); \

for PostgreSQL and #define OTL_UNICODE:

#define OTL_ODBC_STRING_TO_TIMESTAMP(str,tm)            \
{ \
swscanf(str, \
L"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld%hd", \
&tm.year, \
&tm.month, \
&tm.day, \
&tm.hour, \
&tm.minute, \
&tm.second, \
&tm.fraction, \
&tm.tz_hour); \

for MS SQL 2008:
#define OTL_ODBC_STRING_TO_TIMESTAMP(str,tm)              \
{ \
sscanf(str, \
"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%07ld %hd:%hd", \
&tm.year, \
&tm.month, \
&tm.day, \
&tm.hour, \
&tm.minute, \
&tm.second, \
&tm.fraction, \
&tm.tz_hour, \
&tm.tz_minute); \

for MS SQL 2008 and #define OTL_UNICODE

#define OTL_ODBC_STRING_TO_TIMESTAMP(str,tm)              \
{                                                         \
  swscanf(str,                                            \
           L"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%07ld %hd:%hd",\
           &tm.year,                                      \
           &tm.month,                                     \
           &tm.day,                                       \
           &tm.hour,                                      \
           &tm.minute,                                    \
           &tm.second,                                    \
           &tm.fraction,                                  \
           &tm.tz_hour,                                   \
           &tm.tz_minute);                                \
Some MS SQL Server commands (like BACKUP, DBCC, etc.) don't use result sets to communicate their output. They use diagnostic record format instead. Microsoft recommends to use SQLExecDirect() instead of SQLPrepare + SQLExecute with such commands. Also, such commands take time to execute. However, some of the commands return control back from the SQLExecDirect() call right away. For example, BACKUP does that. For the BACKUP to successfully finish, it requires for the statement handle to be valid. Therefore the OTL direct exec functions can't be used. In order to work around this limitation, the otl_stream class was extended to execute MS SQL Server's BACKUP, DBCC, etc., commands. This #define is needed for the otl_stream class to recognize these commands. This #define specifies a function that accepts an SQL statement text, and returns true, if one of the commands is recognized, for example:

inline bool sql_statement_with_diag_rec_output(const char* stm_text)
    return true;
  else if(strncmp(stm_text,"DBCC",4)==0)
    return true;
    return false;


Also, see otl_stream:::get_next_diag_rec() function, and examples 688, 689.

This #define defines conversion the timestamp format (otl_datetime) to the string/varchar format, for example, PostgreSQL's timestamp with time zone, or MS SQL Server 2008's datetimeoffset(7):

for PostgreSQL:
#define OTL_ODBC_TIMESTAMP_TO_STRING(tm,str)            \
{ \
sprintf(str, \
"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld %+hd", \
tm.year, \
tm.month, \
tm.day, \
tm.hour, \
tm.minute, \
tm.second, \
tm.fraction, \
tm.tz_hour); \

for PostgreSQL and #define OTL_UNICODE:
#define OTL_ODBC_TIMESTAMP_TO_STRING(tm,str)             \
{ \
swprintf(str, \
L"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld %+hd", \
tm.year, \
tm.month, \
tm.day, \
tm.hour, \
tm.minute, \
tm.second, \
tm.fraction, \
tm.tz_hour); \

for MS SQL 2008:
#define OTL_ODBC_TIMESTAMP_TO_STRING(tm,str)                    \
{ \
sprintf(str, \
"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%07ld %+hd:%hd", \
tm.year, \
tm.month, \
tm.day, \
tm.hour, \
tm.minute, \
tm.second, \
tm.fraction, \
tm.tz_hour, \
tm.tz_minute); \

for MS SQL 2008 and #define OTL_UNICODE:

#define OTL_ODBC_TIMESTAMP_TO_STRING(tm,str)                    \
{ \
swprintf(str, \
L"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%07ld %+hd:%hd", \
tm.year, \
tm.month, \
tm.day, \
tm.hour, \
tm.minute, \
tm.second, \
tm.fraction, \
tm.tz_hour, \
tm.tz_minute); \
This #define enables tz_hour, and tz_minute fields in the otl_datetime class. ODBC doesn't support the time zone components yet, so this #define needs to be used with #define OTL_ODBC_STRING_TO_TIMESTAMP and #define OTL_ODBC_TIMESTAMP_TO_STRING.
This #define enables a workaround for the following problem. An application enables #define OTL_ODBC, it connects to more than one type of ODBC drivers, and some of the ODBC drivers don't implement SQLFetchScroll() well. The application has to enable #define OTL_ODBC_SQL_EXTENDED_FETCH_ON. At the same time, say, one of the ODBC drivers that the application connects to doesn't implement SQLExtendedFetch() well. In other words, you need access to both SQLFetchScroll() and
SQLExtendedFetch() from the your application, depending on the ODBC driver type. See also set_fetch_scroll_mode().


#define OTL_ODBC
#include <otlv4.h>


#define OTL_ODBC_MULTI_MODE uses SQLExtendedFetch() under the covers, and it can be used with set_fetch_scroll_mode().

FreeTDS/ODBC doesn't seem to implement the database session's "auto-commit off" mode, so otl_connect's auto_commit  has no effect. In order to work around this deficiency, this #define should be used. When the #define is enabled, OTL executes "begin transaction" statement before each transaction. otl_connect::commit() or otl_connect::rollback() can be used to commit or roll back the transaction. When FreeTDS/ODBC implements the database session's "auto-commit off" mode, the #define could be safely removed, because the otl_connect's auto-commit parameter would take effect on the database sessions. For the time being, this #define is recommended for use with FreeTDS/ODBC against MS SQL. otl_connect::auto_commit_on() / otl_connect::auto_commit_off() functions don't work for MS SQL with FreeTDS/ODBC. Until a fix becomes available, it's not recommended to use them.

Sybase is slightly different: otl_connect::auto_commit_on() / otl_connect::auto_commit_off() functions seem to work even though the otl_connect::rlogon()'s auto_commit doesn't work. After rlogon() has been called, it's recommended to call auto_commit_off(). See Sybase SQL Server / FreeTDS ODBC examples for more detail.

In FreeTDS/ODBC, the default for the database session's auto-commit mode is "auto-commit ON", which can't be turned off or on again. When #define OTL_FREETDS_ODBC_WORKAROUNDS is enabled, OTL emulates the database session's "auto-commit off" mode by executing "begin transaction" at the beginning of each transaction, and not executing anything when the "auto-commit" is set to ON, which is the default in FreeTDS/ODBC.
Also, FreeTDS/ODBC doesn't support "transaction isolation" level, that is, otl_connect::set_transaction_isolation_level() has no effect. Until the feature is implemented in FreeTDS/ODBC, it's recommended that explicit server side settings should be used instead. For example, MS SQL supports an explicit (NOLOCK) option on the FROM clause in a SELECT statement. Sybase has the "set transaction isolation level X" command to set an explicit, session-wide transaction isolation level.


By default, OTL/ODBC;DB2-CLI maps internal SQL_DECIMAL to external SQL_C_DOUBLE on SELECT statements / stored procedures with implicit result sets. This #define maps SQL_DECIMAL to SQL_C_SBIGINT when #define OTL_BIGINT is enabled, for example:

#define OTL_BIGINT __int64


Before OTL 4.0.140, MS SQL GUIDs (uniqueidentifier) were mapped to char[XXX]. OTL 4.0.140 and higher  maps the GUIDs to raw[16], This #define should be used to map GUIDs to char[XXX] by default. Of course, the new default mapping can be overridden manually Also, see example 105.

By default, OTL/ODBC;DB2-CLI maps internal SQL_NUMERIC to external SQL_C_DOUBLE on SELECT statement / stored procedures with implicit result sets. This #define maps SQL_NUMERIC to SQL_C_SBIGINT when #define OTL_BIGINT is enabled, for example:

#define OTL_BIGINT __int64


By default, OTL/ODBC;DB2-CLI maps internal SQL_NUMERIC to external SQL_C_DOUBLE on SELECT statement / stored procedures with implicit result sets. This #define maps SQL_NUMERIC to SQL_C_UBIGINT when #define OTL_UBIGINT is enabled, for example:

#define OTL_UBIGINT unsigned long long


Before OTL 4.0.140, MS SQL TIMESTAMPs were mapped to char[XXX], which was effectively a conversion from the binary format to the hexadecimal string format. OTL 4.0.140 and higher maps MS SQL TIMESTAMPs to raw[XXX]. This #define should be used to map MS SQL TIMESTAMPs to  the hexadecimal string format by default. Of course, the new default mapping can be overridden manually. 

Before OTL 4.0.140,, "binary" database types were mapped to raw_long. OTL 4.0.140 and higher maps the "binary" types to raw[XXX]  This #define should be used to map the binary types to raw_long by default. Of course, the new default mapping can be overridden manually.  Also, see example 346.

OTL 4.0.115 introduces a larger data type for the OTL stream buffer size: int instead of the old short int. The buffer size parameter was short int for a long time to keep all OTL based code compatible with older database APIs (like original OCI7, or restrictions on some old ODBC drivers), and portable across platforms / databases. Now is time to move on. "int" as a datatype for the buffer size provides a much wider value range. "int" is the default for the OTL stream buffer size parameter from OTL 4.0.115 and on. However, those old, legacy applications based on OTL cannot be left behind. This #define, when enabled, turns the old "short int" type for the buffer size back on.
This #define works in a combination with #define OTL_ANSI_CPP (when OTL_ANSI_CPP is defined). This #define enables the function throw specification clause (introduced in OTL 4.0.50) in all OTL functions, to make them explicitly declare what type C++ exceptions the function may throw. It looks like there is no consesus in the C++ community whether function throw specs are good or not, and I decided to make it up to each OTL user to whether enable or not enable this OTL feature  by introducing this #define.

OCI 8/9/10/11 only. This #define should be used when otl_stream::create_stored_proc_call() needs to map stored procedure parameters of Oracle RAW type to OTL raw[XXX], where XXX is the same as the varchar_size parameter in create_stored_proc_call().

OCI 8/9/10/11 only. This #define should be used when otl_stream::create_stored_proc_call() needs to map stored procedure parameters of Oracle RAW type to OTL raw_long.

This #define can be used to get more performance out of OTL. By default, on SELECT statements OTL maps Oracle NUMBER values to "double", because NUMBER data type is not in one-to-one correspondence with C++ numeric / primitive data types. This #define allows the user to override the default data type mapping, for example:

#define OTL_ORA_CUSTOM_MAP_NUMBER_ON_SELECT(ftype,elem_size,desc)       \
{                                                                       \
  if(ftype==extFloat && desc.prec>4 && desc.prec<=10 && desc.scale==0){ \
    ftype=otl_var_int;                                                  \
    elem_size=sizeof(int);                                              \
  }else if(ftype==extFloat && desc.prec>0 && desc.prec<=4 && desc.scale==0){ \
    ftype=otl_var_short;                                                \
    elem_size=sizeof(short int);                                        \
  }else{                                                                \
    ftype=otl_var_double;                                               \
    elem_size=sizeof(double);                                           \
  }                                                                     \

ftype is can be set to any of the OTL data type codes. elem_size is the size of the corresponding data type. desc is of the otl_column_desc type.

In the example above, NUMBER(X) gets mapped to different C++ data types: X in [1..4] gets mapped to "short int", X in [5..10] gets mapped to "int", and any other NUMBER gets mapped to "double". It's not done by default, because it can be done in many other ways, since NUMBER and C++ primitive / numeric types are not in one-to-one correspondence, as DB2 or MS SQL Server numeric data types and C++ numeric data types are.

There is also the old manual data type override.


OTL doesn't create temporary Oracle LOBs, or deallocates temporary LOBs properly, which requires the following OCI call: OCILobFreeTemporary(). This #define adds the necessary OCI call, so that OTL handles temporary LOB (say, allocated by dbms_lob package and passed back to C++/OTL code) corretly.

This #define should be used in a combination with #define OTL_ORA10G, or OTL_ORA10G_R2, or OTL_ORA11G. It disables the use of OCI10 native SQLT_BDOUBLE / SQLT_BFLOAT bindings, and reverts to SQLT_FLT bindings, which are compatible with older versions of the OCI. This define can be enabled when the Oracle Client 10g, or 11g is used against older versions of the Oracle server, say, Oracle 9.2. When the OCI10 native SQLT_BDOUBLE / SQLT_BFLOAT bindings are used via the Oracle 10 Client with, say, Oracle 9i database back end, the bindings don't work, because the Oracle 9i server doesn't support them.
This #define enables the mapping from <bigint> for 64-bit OCIs for LP64 platforms to signed 64-bit longs. It's a more efficient alternative to the char[XXX] binding and bigint-string / string-bigint conversion (see also the following #define's: OTL_BIGINTOTL_BIGINT_TO_STR,   OTL_STR_TO_BIGINT).

In the ODBC/DB2 CLI standard, SQL_C_SLONG contains 32 bits regardless of the size of "long int" on a given 64-bit platform. Similarly, SQL_C_SBIGINT is a signed 64-bit integer, regardless of whether the platform is 32-bit or 64-bit. ODBC drivers have different implementations of SQL_C_SLONG, meaning that some ODBC drivers deviate from the standard. OTL tries to cover all implementations of the SQL_C_SLONG. This #define maps "long" (in bind variable declarations) into SQL_C_SBIGINT in case if sizeof(long) == 8. For example, :v1<long> will be mapped to SQL_C_SBIGINT, which is a signed 64-bit integer.

OTL 4.0.127 or higher tries to use template member functions for implementing operator >>/<< for numeric data types (int, unsigned, short, long, float, double, signed 64-bit int) for C++ compilers that have support for the feature.  However, even after so many years since the C++ standard was adopted back in the summer of 1998, some C++ compilers either still have bugs in their support of the feature, or are missing any support completely. If that happens, it's possible to make OTL fall back on the old proven plain nontemplate member functions. This #define can be used to do just that.

















These three sets of #defines allow OTL to extend the list of supported numeric data types with up to three more data types. Internally in OTL, char[XXX] type bind variables will be used, because the underlying database APIs do not support such numeric data types.

This #define specifies the OTL bind variable data type label for the data type (it needs to be capitalized), for example:


This #define specifies the size of the OTL string bind variable that will hold the string representations of numeric values of the numeric data type, for example:


This #define specifies the C++ compiler specific name of the numeric data type, for example:

#define OTL_NUMERIC_TYPE_1 unsigned long

These two #defines specify string-to-numeric-type / numeric-type-to-string conversion routines, for example:

#define OTL_STR_TO_NUMERIC_TYPE_1(str,n)        \
{                                               \
  sscanf(str,"%lu",&n);                         \

#define OTL_NUMERIC_TYPE_1_TO_STR(n,str)        \
{                                               \
  sprintf(str,"%lu",n);                         \

Here is an example of the second set of such #defines:

#define OTL_NUMERIC_TYPE_2 unsigned long long
#define OTL_STR_TO_NUMERIC_TYPE_2(str,n)        \
{                                               \
  sscanf(str,"%llu",&n);                        \

#define OTL_NUMERIC_TYPE_2_TO_STR(n,str)        \
{                                               \
  sprintf(str,"%llu",n);                        \

Here is an example of the third set of such #defines:

#define OTL_NUMERIC_TYPE_3 long double
#define OTL_STR_TO_NUMERIC_TYPE_3(str,n)        \
{                                               \
  sscanf(str,"%Lf",&n);                         \

#define OTL_NUMERIC_TYPE_3_TO_STR(n,str)        \
{                                               \
  sprintf(str,"%Lf",n);                         \

Here are examples of tables and SQL statements that use bind variables of such extended numeric data types:

CREATE TABLE test_tab(f1 NUMBER, f2 VARCHAR2(30));

CREATE TABLE test_tab(f1 DECIMAL(38), f2 VARCHAR(30));

insert into test_tab values(:f1<uulong>,:f2<char[31]>)

select f1 :#1<ulong>, f2
from test_tab
where f1>=:f<ulong>
    and f1<=:ff<ulong>

select f1 :#1<ldouble>, f2
from test_tab
where f1>=:f<ldouble>
    and f1<=:ff<ldouble>

OTL extends its bind variable parser to recognize the defined numeric data type labels, and adds the corresponding operators >> / <<.

#define OTL_NUMERIC_TYPE_X_NO_NUMERIC_STATIC_CASTS should be enabled when the "large numeric types" specified in #define OTL_NUMERIC_TYPE_X can't be type cast (via static_cast<>) to regular numeric type like int, double, short int, etc. For example:


Note: when #define OTL_UNICODE is enabled, the same to/from string conversion macros (see above) can be used. In other words, to/from Unicode string conversion macros do not need to be provided.


This #define enables the otl_subscriber class. The class is Oracle 9/10 (or higher) specific. It uses the Oracle Change Notification OCI functions, which allow the user to get notified about changes on database tables of interest. This feature is especially useful in an Oracle RAC environment, though the interface works in a stand alone Oracle instance. When #define OTL_ORA_SUBSCRIBE is enabled, the following #define's need to enabled as well:
This #define enables OCI9i/10g support for Oracle UTF8 character encodings (UTF8, AL32UTF8). This #define is mutually exclusive with #define OTL_UNICODE, which supports UTF-16. UTF-8 seems to be more popular with Oracle C++ developers at least in Linux/Unix. The basic difference between UTF-8 and UTF-16 is that UTF-8 is byte oriented. It's okay to use a '\0' terminated array of unsigned chars with UTF-8 as opposed to an array of unsigned 16-bit integers with UTF-16.
These #define should be used when #define OTL_ORA_TIMESTAMP is not defined, but there is a need to use Oracle TIMESTAMPs.

For example:

#define OTL_ORA8 // Compile OTL 4.0/OCI8
#define OTL_ORA7_TIMESTAMP_TO_STRING(tm,s)      \
{                                               \
  sprintf(s,                                    \
          "%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld",\
          tm.month,                             \
          tm.day,                               \
          tm.year,                              \
          tm.hour,                              \
          tm.minute,                            \
          tm.second,                            \
          tm.fraction                           \
         );                                     \

#define OTL_ORA7_STRING_TO_TIMESTAMP(s,tm)       \
{                                                \
  sscanf(s,                                      \
          "%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld", \
          &tm.month,                             \
          &tm.day,                               \
          &tm.year,                              \
          &tm.hour,                              \
          &tm.minute,                            \
          &tm.second,                            \
          &tm.fraction                           \
         );                                      \

OTL_ORA7_STRING_TO_TIMESTAMP and #define OTL_ORA7_TIMESTAMP_TO_STRING should be used together as shown in the example above. These #defines define string-to-timestamp and timestamp-to-string conversion so that operator<</>>(otl_datetime&) can be used transparently with :var<char[XXX]> bind variables.

 Under #define OTL_UNICODE,

#define OTL_ORA7_TIMESTAMP_TO_STRING(tm,s)       \
{                                                \
  swprintf(s,                                    \
          L"%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld",\
          tm.month,                              \
          tm.day,                                \
          tm.year,                               \
          tm.hour,                               \
          tm.minute,                             \
          tm.second,                             \
          tm.fraction                            \
         );                                      \

#define OTL_ORA7_STRING_TO_TIMESTAMP(s,tm)        \
{                                                 \
  swscanf(s,                                      \
          L"%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld", \
          &tm.month,                              \
          &tm.day,                                \
          &tm.year,                               \
          &tm.hour,                               \
          &tm.minute,                             \
          &tm.second,                             \
          &tm.fraction                            \
         );                                       \

This #define should be used together with #define OTL_ORA7_STRING_TO_TIMESTAMP.
OTL normally binds a variable size string buffer (host variable) with both VARCHAR() and CHAR() columns. ODBC and DB2 CLI handle variable size vs padded string comparison semantic correctly for both types of string columns. OCIx do that a little bit differently. So, when OTL/OCIx is used with CHAR() columns, if, say, a WHERE clause has a char[XXX] bind variable, the actual strings for the WHERE clause need to be padded to the full length of the CHAR() columns. #define OTL_ORA_MAP_STRINGS_TO_CHARZ changes the OTL default binding of string host variables. When the #define is enabled, OTL makes "CHARZ" type string bindings, which behaves exactly the same as ODBC / DB2 CLI. However, this type of string binding has a slightly higher runtime overhead. It's up to the database developer to make the right decision on balancing out performance vs protability / readability of the source code.
When OTL_UNICODE, OTL_ORA8I / OTL_ORA9I are enabled, and the stream is instantiated with a SELECT statement that has two (or more) large VARCHAR2(4000), or NVARCHAR2(2000), Oracle may generate the following error: ORA-01461 (Invalid length...). The error has to do with the fact that Oracle (8i/9i) treats large VARCHAR2s / NVARCHAR2s as LONGs, which means that there may be only one large VARCHAR2 / NVARCHAR2 in a SELECT statement. The only workaround that Oracle Corporation recommends for Oracle 8i/9i is that the size of  large VARCHAR2s/NVARCHAR2s on a SELECT statement needs to be limited to 4000 bytes. For PL/SQL block that have large VARCHAR2/NVARCHAR2 the workaround doesn't apply, that is, there is no such error, simply because PL/SQL treats large strings differently. #define OTL_ORA_MAX_UNICODE_VARCHAR_SIZE implements the workaround:

#define OTL_ORA8I
//#define OTL_ORA9I
int my_max_unicode_varchar_string_size=32000;
  // in bytes, the number is not precise,
  // the actual maximum may be higher
#include <otlv4.h>
  my_max_unicode_varchar_string_size=32000; // in bytes
  otl_stream o(...); // PL/SQL block that has large VARCHAR/NVARCHAR strings
  my_max_unicode_varchar_string_size=4000; // in bytes
  otl_stream s(...); // SELECT statement that has two or more large VARCHAR2/NVARCHAR2 strings
  my_max_unicode_varchar_string_size=32000; // in bytes

All of the above is NOT needed under #define OTL_ORA10G / OTL_ORA10G_R2, or when there is no more than one large VARCHAR2/NVARCHAR2 in the same SELECT. Sorry for this complicated stuff: a compliacted bug requires a kludgy fix. The workaround is not needed for Oracle 10g because Oracle 10g changed the architecture, compared with Oracle 9i in how large Unicode VARCHAR2 / NVARCHAR2 are handled inside the Oracle Client / Server.


This #define can only be used when one of the following is defined: OTL_ORA8I, OTL_ORA9I, OTL_ORA10G, OTL_ORA10G_R2. , OTL_ORA11G, OTL_ORA11G_R2, OTL_ORA12C. The #define enables OCI Environment Handle initialization via OCIEnvCreate() instead of the older OCIInitialize() + OCIEnvInit() scheme. I don't want to go too deep into the discussion of what works, and what doesn't work. Those who want to use OCIEnvCreate(), be my guests.


This define should be used in a combination with #define OTL_ORA_OCI_ENV_CREATE. When OTL_ORA_OCI_ENV_CREATE_MODE is defined, it overrides the mode (OCI_DEFAULT/OCI_THREADED) in which OCI environment handles will be created. For example:


The problem that this #define is trying to address is that the "default/threaded" mode was passed into otl_connect::otl_initialize() once in the whole program, instead of having to pass the same parameter into all calls to otl_connect::rlogon() or server_attach(). When this #define is enabled, it overrides everything else, so that the custom code wouldn't have to be changed.

OTL allows otl_stream::operators>>() to be used in the following way (in a similar way to C++ streams): while(s>>f1>>f2)..., or if(s>>f1), etc. It's based on the fact that operators>> return otl_stream&, which is convertible to int via a special type cast operator defined in otl_stream. This behavior requires otl_stream::operators>> not to throw any exceptions when they read values beyond the end-of-file (fetch sequence). Sometimes, it's important to catch a beyond-the-end-of-file read.

When this #define is enabled, OTL throws an otl_exception (code 32043).

When #define OTL_STLPORT is enabled, OTL can be used with STLPort. STLPort itself can be configured to use __std_alias namespace, in which case, #define OTL_STLPORT_USES_STD_ALIAS_NAMESPACE. needs to be enabled.

By default, OTL makes otl_stream::operator>>(bool&) and operator<<(const bool) private because they are not implemented, and in some cases it is very confusing when the C++ compiler use a different operator, say, instead of operator>>(bool&) . It makes it harder to track down bugs in the code at runtime.  By making the operators private,  the runtime bugs of that sort become more obvious at compile time. However, there may be legitimate use cases when there is a need to overload operator>>(bool&) and operator<<(const bool). This #define, when enabled, prevents OTL from declaring private operator>>(bool&) and operator<<(const bool) in the otl_stream class.

This #define enables an optimization for OTL stream pooling for OTL/OCIx where x is >=8. It is assumed that reference cursor structures (output column lists) don't change between calls to PL-SQL blocks / stored procedures, meaning that the stream pool can cache the output column descriptions and minimize the total number of calls to the "describe_column()" function. Some applications that use the stream pooling may benefit performance-wise.

By default, OTL makes otl_stream::operator>>(unsigned long&) and operator<<(const unsigned long) private because they are not implemented, and in some cases it is very confusing when the C++ compiler use a different operator, say, instead of operator>>(unsigned long&). It makes it harder to track down bugs in the code at runtime.  By making the operators private,  the runtime bugs of that sort become more obvious at compile time. However, there may be legitimate use cases when there is a need to overload operator>>(unsigned long&) and operator<<(const unsigned long). This #define, when enabled, prevents OTL from declaring private operator>>(unsigned long&) and operator<<(const unsigned long) in the otl_stream class.

This #define enables the use of otl_stream labels / SQL statement labels (for more detail, see sqlstm_label parameter in otl_stream's constructors and open() function) as stream pool keys, when the labels are specified / available. Otherwise, the stream pool falls back on the SQL statement text as key. Stream labels are generally used as SQL statement text replacements in otl_exception, and are normally shorter than the SQL statements themselves, therefore the stream pool will be more efficient.


This #define enables a check for if(!otl_connect::connected) flag in the otl_stream::open() function and in the otl_stream constructors. The reason is that some database APIs (OCI for some versions of Oracle on some platforms (the scope is not quite clear)) return unobvious error codes and error messages. Therefore, there is a need for a clear error code / message that OTL would throw the following OTL defined exception, instead of relying on the database API to return a clear error code / message.
By default on an SELECT statement, or a stored procedure that returns an implcit result set (ODBC, DB2 CLI) / a reference cursor (PL/SQL), OTL tries to describe the [SELECT] output columns, and map internal datatypes to external C++ datatypes.  In the case of internal numeric datatypes, the corresponding external C++ datatypes may not have exactly the same domain as the internal datatypes. And, say, the values are being read into a variable of a third numeric datatype. In this case OTL has to convert the values from one numeric datatype to another. This #define (OTL_STRICT_NUMERIC_TYPE_CHECK_ON_SELECT) enforces the exact match between the output variable's datatype that's the internal numeric value is being read into, and the datatype of the internal value itself.

In some cases, as it was mentioned in the previous paragraph, the internal-to-external numeric datatype mapping is not exact. In those case, the numeric [SELECT] column's datatype may be explicitly overridden to ensure the exact match between the internal and the external datatypes. Also, if the external and internal datatypes match exactly, OTL provides a small performance boost by avoiding any numeric datatype conversion.

(for ODBC and DB2-CLI). Forces OTL to generate calls to SQLExtendedFetch (buffer size > 1), or SQLFetch (buffer size ==1), instead of SQLFetchScroll, in case if the ODBC level is greater of equal to ODBC 3.0. This #define is introduced to mainly fix a bug in DB2-CLI in Linux, and some ODBC drivers, when CLOBs/BLOBs are being fetched with SQLFetchScroll().
This #define (#define OTL_ODBC_SELECT_STM_EXECUTE_BEFORE_DESCRIBE) should be used in a combination with #define OTL_ODBC, and it changes the OTL stream's default sequence of ODBC functions in the case of SELECT statement. The default from sequence is as follows: SQLPrepare(), SQLDescribeCol(),..., SQLBindParameter(),..., SQLExecute(), SQLFetch(). New ODBC drivers tend to do more optmization of database round-trips, and they return the SELECT column descriptions along with the first batch of rows. The ODBC specifation calls this kind of optimization an implementaion detail, and leaves it up to the implometors of ODBC driver. In the case of such optimization, the sequence of ODBC function becomes this: SQPrepare(), SQLBindParameter(),..., SQLExecute(), SQLDescribeCol(), ..., SQLFetch().
(for OCI8/8i/9i/10g only). Whe this #define is enabled, OTL declares the following abstract / interface class which both otl_refcur_stream and otl_stream get derived from:

class otl_read_stream_interface{
  virtual int is_null(void) = 0;
  virtual void rewind(void) = 0;
  virtual int eof(void) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(otl_datetime& s) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(char& c) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(unsigned char& c) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(OTL_STRING_CONTAINER& s) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(char* s) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(unsigned char* s) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(int& n) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(unsigned& u) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(short& sh) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(long int& l) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(float& f) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(double& d) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(otl_long_string& s) = 0;
  virtual otl_read_stream_interface& operator>>(otl_lob_stream& s) = 0;
  virtual otl_column_desc* describe_select(int& desc_len) = 0;

  virtual otl_var_desc* describe_out_vars(int& desc_len);
    virtual otl_var_desc* describe_next_out_var(void);

   virtual ~otl_read_stream_interface(){}


This interface is useful when there is a lot of common code for fetching rows either via otrl_stream or via otl_refcur_stream.

OTL/OCI8/8i/9i/10g #undef's #define min and #define max that are defined in one of the OCI header files. This was done because in some cases min() and max() were declared as functions in C++ standard header files. However, when ATL is used, min() and max() are defined as #define's in "windef.h". If the OTL header file is included after the windef.h file, the min() and max() #defines get #undef''ined by OTL, so the symbols become unavailable. When #define OTL_ORA_DOES_NOT_UNDEF_MIN_MAX) is enabled, it makes OTL keep #define min and #define max as they were defined (if they were defined).
When fstream.h gets included before the OTL header file, fstream.h declares object "text", which is part of the C++ stream environment. Oracle OCI header files use symbol "text" as well. Depending on the platform and the C++ compiler, symbol "text" is defined in OCI either as a typedef or a #define. In any case, it interferes with the C++ "text", defined in fstream.h. #define OTL_ORA_TEXT_ON is introduced to fix the problem. So, all the user needs to do in order to make fstream.h and the OTL header compile together is to put #define OTL_ORA_TEXT_ON before including the OTL header file, and after #include <fstream.h>. In the case of fstream.h being include after the OTL header file, #define OTL_ORA_TEXT_ON also needs to be defined before the inclusion of the OTL header file.
This #define enables support for Oracle 9i's timestamps, timestamps with time zones, and timestamps with local time zones. The #define forces OTL to use the OCI "OCIDateTime*" resource instead of the OCI 7-byte date structure. OCIDateTime allows the timestamp values (down to microseconds and time zone hours/minutes) to be written and read. OCI 8.1.7 has support for OCIDateTime's when they are used with Oracle 9i on the back end, meaning that Oracle Client 8.1.7 can be connected to Oracle 9i, and OTL_ORA_TIMESTAMP can be enabled at the same time. In other words, #define OTL_ORA8I, or #define OTL_ORA9I can be used  in a combination with OTL_ORA_TIMESTAMP, if the underlynig Oracle Client (OCI) libraries have the corresponding functionality.

PL/SQL (index-by) tables of otl_datetime's, that are bound with "tables of timestamps" are not supported this time around, due to some bugs in the OCI code (I just could not track down the problem: no info on metalink.oracle.com, no references on dejanews either, no code samples). TIMESTAMPs, as parametrs in stored procedures, can be used with otl_datetime's. PL/SQL (index-by) table can be boud with "tables of DATEs", as usual.


When this #define is enabled, OTL calls otl_connect::rollback() to roll back any uncommitted changes before calling otl_connect::logoff(). This kind of behavior is needed for compatibility with some third party libraries, frameworks, or transaction monitors.

This #define enables an alternate scheme of how OTL (pre)fetches rows from SELECT statements / reference cursors. By default, OTL fetches the next batch of rows as soon as the end of the current row is reached in terms of calling otl_stream::operators >>(). Also, when large objects (CLOBs / BLOBs / TEXT / IMAGE / VARCHAR(MAX), etc.) are being read via otl_lob_stream (LOB stream mode), large object columns are normally put at the end of the SELECT output column list, which is a normal limitation of ODBC drivers / DB2 CLI. Oracle allows CLOB / BLOB columns to be put anywhere in the SELECT output column list. The OTL default fetching algorithm changes the internal state of the OCI to an incorrect state, which screws up the lengths of the CLOB / BLOB columns, and their fetch sequences.

The alternate fetching scheme / algorithm doesn't have that kind of side effect. So, if you use Oracle, and if you want to be able to handle a SELECT output column list that contains CLOB / BLOB columns in the middle of the list, and you want to read the CLOB / BLOB columns in the LOB stream mode (via otl_lob_stream), you should enable this #define.

All this sounds complicated. To put things in simpler terms, when #define is enabled, OTL tries to defer fetching the next batch of rows as long as possible in the "OTL stream state machine".

This #define is required when OTL_BIGINT is enabled and when one of OTL_ORAxx #defines (or OTL_ODBC is used with an ODBC driver that doesn't support 64-bit integers natively) is enabled, in order to support OTL internal string-to-bigint conversion. This #define is supposed to provide string-to-bigint conversion code that is most probably C++ compiler specific (because 64-bit ints are not part of the ANSI C++ standard), for example:

#if defined(__GNUC__) // GNU C++

#include <stdlib.h>

#define OTL_BIGINT long long

#define OTL_STR_TO_BIGINT(str,n) \
{ \
n=strtoll(str,0,10); \

#define OTL_BIGINT_TO_STR(n,str) \
{ \
sprintf(str,"%lld",n); \


This #define enables the  OTL stream read iterator, which provides a JDBC-like getter interface.
Typically, OTL stream read iterators can be used with SELECT statements, stored prcoredures that return implicit result sets (ODBC, DB2-CLI), or stored procedures that return referenced cursors (Oracle).

OTL/ODBC, OTL/DB2-CLI only. This #define enables the following function: otl_connect::set_throw_on_sql_success_with_info().  When the function sets the "throw flag", OTL  throws an otl_exceptioin if SQLExecute() / SQLExecDirect() returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. By raising an exception on SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, OTL makes it possible to communicate messages that would normally get retrieved via SQLGetDiagRec() calls right after SQLExecute() / SQLExecDirect() returns. In order to get the maximum amount of diagnostic information from the ODBC driver, this #define should be used in a combination with #define OTL_EXTENDED_EXCEPTION.





These #defines enable OTL function call tracing. OTL tracing uses the C++ stream interface (ostream, fstream) to log OTL function calls with arguments, "this" addresses of class instances, etc.
  • #define OTL_TRACE_LEVEL specifies a level of OTL tracing. Each type of tracing is represented by its own bit in the whole trace level unsigned  int value:

    1. 0x1 -- traces the following functions of the otl_connect class (1st level of tracing): rlogon(), logoff(), commit(), rollback(), auto_commit_on(), auto_commit_off()
    2. 0x2 -- traces otl_cursor::direct_exec(), direct execution of static SQL statements, no otl_streams (2nd level of tracing).
    3. 0x4 -- traces the following functions of the otl_stream class: open(), close()
    4. 0x8 -- traces internal "execute SQL statement" function, internal "fetch the first bacth of rows" function, internal "fetch the next batch of rows" function (3rd level of tracing).
    5. 0x10 -- traces the operator >> and << functions of the otl_stream class (4th level of tracing)
    6. 0x20 -- traces all otl_exception's raised by OTL.

  • #define OTL_TRACE_STREAM specifies a log stream variable, or a function call that returns a file stream reference. What is defined by this #define is used as an output file stream variable inside OTL.

  • #define OTL_TRACE_LINE_PREFIX can be used to override the default OTL trace line prefix: "OTL TRACE ==>". If it is more convenient to have something different from the default, say, for running a Perl script on an OTL log file to mine for patterns.

  • #define OTL_TRACE_LINE_SUFFIX can be used to override the default OTL trace line suffix: "\n". If it is more convenient to have something different from the default, say, for running a Perl script on an OTL log file to mine for patterns.

  • #define OTL_TRACE_ENABLE_STREAM_LABELS can be used to enable logging of otl_stream labels instead of SQL statement bodies. See The Oracle, DB2-CLI, and ODBC specific otl_stream descriptions for more detail.

  • #define OTL_TRACE_LEVEL_NOCHECK_ON_LOGON can be used to enable the "logon" OTL trace entry unconditionally (see examples below).
#define OTL_TRACE_LEVEL may be either a constant, or a variable, or a function call that returns the trace level dynamically. If OTL_TRACE_LEVEL is not defined then tracing calls are not generated, and therefore there is not any runtime performance penalty. Even if #define OTL_TRACE_LEVEL is defined, performance degradation is very small, if the level of tracing is set relatively low.

      unsigned int my_trace_level=
0x1 | // 1st level of tracing
0x2 | // 2nd level of tracing
0x4 | // 3rd level of tracing
0x8 | // 4th level of tracing
0x10| // 5th level of tracing
0x20; // 6th level of tracing
// each level of tracing is represented by its own bit,
// so levels of tracing can be combined in an arbitrary order.

#define OTL_TRACE_LEVEL my_trace_level
// enables OTL tracing, and use my_trace_level
// as a trace control variable.

#define OTL_TRACE_STREAM cerr
// directs all OTL tracing to cerr

// redefines the default OTL trace line prefix.
// This #define is optional

#define OTL_TRACE_LINE_SUFFIX std::endl
// redefines the default OTL trace line suffix.
// This #define is optional

#define OTL_TRACE_LEVEL_NOCHECK_ON_LOGON can be used to enable the following OTL trace entry unconditionally:

otl_connect(this=...)::rlogon(connect_str="<userid>/*****@<db_ptr>", auto_commit=0);

Also,  see OTL examples for more detail.
OTL_STL  (for turning on std::strings, and STL-compliant OTL stream iterators: otl_input_iterator, otl_output_iterator, and including STL header files, like <vector>, etc.)
(for excluding namespace std, when #define OTL_STL is on). This is mainly for fixing problem 42.
OTL_STLPORT (the same as #define OTL_STL, only for use with STLPort 4.x). This #define makes OTL compile with STLPort.
(for enabling otl_stream pooling). This #define requires #define OTL_STL to be defined first because STL containers were used in the implementation of the otl_stream pooling. For more detail, see examples 113, 114, 115.
When #define OTL_UNICODE, #define OTL_ORA8I/9I/10G/10G_R2, and #define OTL_UNICODE_STRING_TYPE are enabled, a string class that is different from std::wstring may be used, for example:

#define OTL_ORA10G
#defined OTL_UNICODE
#define OTL_UNICODE_STRING_TYPE my_wide_char_string

Let's also assume that my_wide_char_string is not 100% compatible with std::wstring and doesn't have the following function

     assign(const charT* s, size_type n)

In order for OTL to handle wide character strings of my_wide_char_string type, it needs to know how to efficiently make a string out of a raw buffer + the string length. #define OTL_UNICODE_STRING_TYPE_CAST_FROM_CHAR can be used for passing into the OTL layer a piece of code that does the conversion. For example, say, ACE_TString is used:

#define OTL_ORA10G_R2
#defined OTL_UNICODE
#define OTL_UNICODE_CHAR_TYPE wchar_t
#define OTL_UNICODE_STRING_TYPE_CAST_FROM_CHAR(s, c_ptr, len) {s.set(c_ptr,len,1);}

(for defining a string class, other than STL's std::string, for reading from/writing to the otl_stream). This #define goes in pair with #define USER_DEFINED_STRING_CLASS, which is used to define the actual string class name.Fore more detail, see examples 119, 120, 121
This #define OTL_USER_DEFINED_STRING_CLASS_DEFAULT_NULL_TO_VAL(s) can be used in the case if a C++ string class is used with OTL in order to read string values tothe database., and to default string NULLs to a predefined value. If string NULLs need to be defaulted to an empty string, some C++ string classes have more efficient ways than assigning an empty string to an actual string variable. Especially, when the variable is used a reusable buffer.

For example, ACE_TString has fast_clear(), which keeps the string internal buffer. It just assigns '\0' to the first element of the internal buffer, and sets the length indicator to 0. Here's what the #define should look like in the case of ACE_TString and the desired default value for string NULLs is an empty string:


std::string can be cleared via std::string::clear(), for example:


This feature becomes more important if your OTL based C++ code starts relying of defaulting string NULLs to a value, especially in a multi-threaded environment, and an  inefficient dynamic heap manager.
This #define enables Unicode string support in OTL for Oracle8i (UCS-2), and for Oracle 9i/10g (UTF-16). Character string lengths change from byte semantic to character semantic, meaning that sizes are given in characters rather than in bytes. For more detail, refer to the corresponding Oracle manuals on nationalization / globalization. For example, in Oracle 8i, if a string column is, say, VARCHAR2(60), 60 is the size of the column in bytes. In Oracle 9i, the size will be characters. In Oracle 10g, it maybe specified in bytes or characters. The OTL manual is not a substitute for the Oracle manuals.

Starting with version 4.0.108, OTL supports Unicode strings for OTL/ODBC, and OTL/DB2-CLI. Unicode string data can be accessed in Oracle via ODBC, MS SQL via ODBC, and DB2 via DB2-CLI/ODBC.

This #define is used in a combinatiuon with OTL_UNICODE. The #define specifies a compiler specific, 2-byte Unicode character type.:

#define OTL_UNICODE_CHAR_TYPE wchar_t

When your C++ compiler doesn't have any appropriate Unicode compatible character type, unsigned short can be used instead:

#define OTL_UNICODE_CHAR_TYPE unsigned short


This #define enables support for Unicode otl_exception's msg, sqlstate data members, and an otl_connect::rlogon() function that accepts Unicode user id, password, and DSN. This #define should be enabled only when #define UNICODE / _UNICODE is enabled for ODBC / DB2 CLI, In other words, when Unicode ODBC driver functions are enabled. Also, it's recommened that this #define be used in a conbination with OTL_UNICODE, and OTL_UNICODE_CHAR_TYPE, for example:

#define OTL_UNICODE_CHAR_TYPE wchar_t


This #define enables std::wstring as 2-byte Unicode strings in OTL. It can be used when wstring is based on a wchar_t that corresponds to 2-byte Unicode:

#define OTL_UNICODE_CHAR_TYPE wchar_t

If your C++ compiler doesn't have std::wstring class defined (say, only std::string is defined), it is possible to instantiate std::basic_string<XXX>, where XXX is your 2-byte Unicode type, for example, your 2-byte Unicode is unsigned short:

#include <string>
namespace std{
    typedef unsigned short my_unicode_char;
    typedef basic_string<my_unicode_type> my_unicode_string;
#define OTL_UNICODE_CHAR_TYPE my_unicode_char
#define OTL_UNICODE_STRING_TYPE my_unicode_string

More specifically, GNU C++ doesn't implement std::wstring, so the example above should be useful for GNU C++ at least.

This #define should be used as a workaround for an MS SQL Server ODBC driver bug. It's not possible to say for sure what the scope of the bug (or may be it's a an undocumented feature!) is. OTL provides access to the data dictionary ODBC / DB2 CLI functions. When Unicode ODBC function prototypes are enabled via #define UNICODE / _UNICODE, the corresponding Unicode ODBC data dictionary functions are enabled. However, some of the Unicode ODBC data dictionary functions don't work correctly when the MS SQL Server Unicode ODBC driver is used. As a workaround, ANSI ODBC data dictionary functions can be used instead, even if the output string bind variables are Unicode. #define OTL_UNICODE_USE_ANSI_ODBC_FUNCS_FOR_DATA_DICT makes OTL generate ANSI ODBC data dictionary function calls instead of the Unicode ODBC data dictionary function calls.

(for enabling otl_value<T>). The otl_value<T> template class can be also enabled with #define OTL_STL. #define OTL_VALUE_TEMPLATE_ON allows the template class to be enabled without turning on STL compliance. Not all C++ compilers scompile OTL under #define OTL_STL. #define OTL_VALUE_TEMPLATE_ON was introduced In order to relax that limitation. Fore more detail, see examples 119, 120, 121

This #define holds the version number of the OTL header file, in which the #define is defined. For example, OTL 4.0.17 is defined as (0x040011L). This #define allows the user to keep track of OTL version numbers, e.g. the #define makes it possible to do more complex conditional compilation.
Enables native support for ubigint (unsigned 64-bit int). Not all database APIs have native support for unsigned 64-bit ints. For example, Oracle 11g Release 2 (#define OTL_ORA11G_R2) provides such support, or DB2 UDB. If unsigned 64-bit ints are needed, but the underlying database API doesn't have any native support for them, OTL extended numeric types can be used.

In LP64 (64-bit Linux, Solaris, AIX, etc.) platforms, unsigned long (use #define OTL_STREAM_NO_PRIVATE_UNSIGNED_LONG_OPERATORS to disable private operators >>/<< in the otl_stream class.), or unsigned long long can be used. In LLP64 (64-bit Windows, etc.), or plain 32-bit platforms, unsigned long long can be used. For example:

#define OTL_UBIGINT unsigned long long

unsigned long long is guaranteed to have the same size (sizeof), so it's recommended for portability.

When OTL is used with STL Port (#define OTL_STLPORT), STL Port library may be configured not to expose some std:: functions like uncaught_exception() in its namespace _STL. In order to work around the problem, #define OTL OTL_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_OWN_NAMESPACE is introduced:

#include <otlv4.h>

This #define tells OTL what namespace to prefix the uncaught_exception() function with. In OTL 4.0.167 or higher, this #define is obsolete, and has no effect.

The macro definitions may be defined directly in the program's code, or turned on via C++ compiler command line

In order to compile and link OTL with an underlying database API, the following header files and libraries of the database API are needed (<ORACLE_HOME>,  <DB2_HOME>,  <TimesTen_HOME>, and <INFORMIX_HOME> are home directories for installations of Oracle, DB2, TimesTen, and Informix):

API header files for  Windows
API libraries for Windows
In <ORACLE_HOME>\oci\include
In <ORACLE_HOME>\oci\include  <ORACLE_HOME>\oci\lib\<compiler_specific>\oci.lib
In <ORACLE_HOME>\oci\include  <ORACLE_HOME>\oci\lib\<compiler_specific>\oci.lib
In <ORACLE_HOME>\oci\include  <ORACLE_HOME>\oci\lib\<compiler_specific>\oci.lib
In <ORACLE_HOME>\oci\include  <ORACLE_HOME>\oci\lib\<compiler_specific>\oci.lib
Normally, in one of the C++ compiler system directories, no need to include explicitly.
Normally, in one of the C++ compiler system directories: odbc32.lib
In <DB2_HOME>\include
TimesTen  ODBC
• Directly with the TimesTen ODBC driver

      in <TimesTen_HOME>\include

• Directly with the TimesTen Client ODBC driver

      in <TimesTen_HOME>\include

• With an ODBC driver manager (to be used with #define OTL_ODBC, no TimeSten ODBC extensions are available)

       normally, in one of the C++ compiler system directories, no need to include explicitly.

• Directly with the TimesTen ODBC driver


• Directly with the TimesTen Client ODBC driver


• With an ODBC driver manager

      normally, in one of the C++ compiler system directories: odbc32.lib
Informix CLI
Default ODBC header files for the C++ compiler.

API header files for Unix
API libraries for Unix
-I$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/demo  -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/public
-L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib/ -lclntsh
-I$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/demo  -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/public -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib/ -lclntsh
-I$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/demo  -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/public -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib/ -lclntsh
-I$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/demo  -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/public -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib/ -lclntsh
-I$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/demo  -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/public -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib/ -lclntsh
ODBC bridge specific. If you're using unixodbc, see its manuals for more detail.
ODBC bridge specific. If you're using unixodbc, see its manuals for more detail
-L/<DB2_HOME>/sqllib/lib -ldb2
TimesTen ODBC
To link with the TimesTen Data Manager ODBC Driver

    -L <TimesTen_HOME>/lib -ltten

To link with the TimesTen Client ODBC Driver:

    -L<TimesTen_HOME>/lib -lttclient
Informix CLI
-L<INFORMIX_HOME>/lib -lifdmr -lthcli

For more detail, see the manul of your C++ compiler and the database API manuals.

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Copyright © 1996-2025, Sergei Kuchin, email: skuchin@gmail.com, skuchin@gmail.com   Last Updated: 1/13/025.