This example demonstrates Oracle Change Notification Interface via otl_subscriber.
#define OTL_ORA10G_R2 // Compile OTL 4.0/OCI10gR2
#define OTL_ORA_SUBSCRIBE // Enable the otl_subscriber interface
// The following two #define's are required for
// the otl_subscriber interface to function
#include <otlv4.h> // include the OTL 4.0 header file
otl_connect db; // connect object
// Function to log a message
void Log(const char *sect, const char *mess, int x=-1 )
cout << clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\t:" << sect << ":\t" << mess;
if(x>=0) cout << x;
cout << '.' << endl;
// Class derived from the otl_subscriber interface.
// Implements an example of the Change Notification mechanism.
class TSubscriber : public otl_subscriber {
TSubscriber(otl_connect* adb): otl_subscriber(adb){}
// Close the select stream in case if it was open
if(select_str_.good()) select_str_.close();
void subscribe(void)
("test_subs", // This subscription name (optional)
5005, // Application listening TCP port number to receive
// subscription notifications (optional)
20 // Subscription expiration time, in seconds (optional, default
// value 1800 sec, 0 means "never expire")
associate_query( "select :arg<int> from test_tab" );
// "Touching" the table, which notification we would like to
// receive, in the context of this subscription
// associate_table( "test_tab2" );
// There could be multiple tables in interest
// Open a stream to be used by "Row events" functions
"select f1 from test_tab where ROWID=:RId<char[250]>",
Log( "Subs", "Subscription set" );
// Select stream for selecting changed rows
otl_stream select_str_;
// The functions below override the pure virtual (interface)
// functions of the otl_subscriber interface
virtual void OnException(otl_exception& e)
Log( "Event Exception", reinterpret_cast<char*>(e.msg) );
virtual void OnDeRegistration(void)
Log( "Event", "Subscription time expired, resetting subscription" );
if( is_online()) subscribe();
//--- DB events:
virtual void OnStartup(void)
Log( "Event", "Database startup" );
virtual void OnInstanceShutdown(void)
Log( "Event", "This database instance shutdown" );
virtual void OnAnyInstanceShutdown(void)
Log( "Event", "Some database instance shutdown" );
//--- Table events:
virtual void OnTableInvalidate(text * /*table_name*/, bool /*all_rows*/ = false)
Log( "Event",
"Too many changes in data, table completely invalidated, "
"no inidividual data notification follows"
virtual void OnTableAlter(text * /*table_name*/, bool /*all_rows*/ = false)
Log( "Event", "Table altered" );
virtual void OnTableDrop(text * /*table_name*/, bool /*all_rows*/ = false)
Log( "Event", "Table dropped" );
virtual void OnTableChange(text * /*table_name*/, bool /*all_rows*/ = false)
Log( "Event", "Table changed" );
// followed by individual OnRow*() events for each data row
//--- Row events:
virtual void OnRowInsert(text *table_name, text *row_id)
// if the changed table name is "TEST_TAB" then
// select the row by its ROWID and then log the change
// here, there should be a mutex lock in case
// if the TSubscriber class is used from multiple threads
double x;
Log( "Event", "Row inserted, f1=", (int)x );
virtual void OnRowUpdate( text *table_name, text *row_id )
// if the changed table name is "TEST_TAB" then
// select the row by its ROWID and then log the change
if(strstr( reinterpret_cast<char*>(table_name), "TEST_TAB" )){
// here, there should be a mutex lock in case
// if the TSubscriber class is used from multiple threads
double x;
Log( "Event", "Row updated, f1=", (int)x );
virtual void OnRowDelete( text *table_name, text * /*row_id*/ )
// if the changed table name is "TEST_TAB"
// then log the change
if( strstr( reinterpret_cast<char*>(table_name), "TEST_TAB" ) )
Log( "Event", "Row deleted" );
int main()
otl_connect::otl_initialize(); // initialize OCI environment
db.rlogon("scott/tiger"); // connect to Oracle
("drop table test_tab",
); // disable OTL exceptions
db.direct_exec("create table test_tab(f1 number)" );
TSubscriber subs(&db);
char str_buf[128];
Log( "Main", "Inserting row, f1=", 123);
db<<"insert into test_tab values(123)";
cout<<"Press 'x' and then press ENTER to continue or wait a bit, "<<endl
<<"there may be pending notifications." << endl;
cout << endl;
Log( "Main", "Updating row, f1=", 456 );
db<<"update test_tab set f1=456 where f1=123";
cout<<"Press 'x' and then press ENTER to continue or wait a bit, "<<endl
<<"there may be pending notifications." << endl;
cout << endl;
Log( "Main", "Deleting row, f1=", 456 );
db<<"delete from test_tab where f1=456";
cout<<"Press 'x' and then press ENTER to quit or wait a bit, "<<endl
<<"there may be pending notifications." << endl;
cout << endl;
}catch(otl_exception& p){ // intercept OTL exceptions
cerr<<p.code<<endl; // print out error code
cerr<<p.msg<<endl; // print out error message
cerr<<p.stm_text<<endl; // print out SQL that caused the error
cerr<<p.var_info<<endl; // print out the variable that caused the error
db.logoff(); // disconnect from Oracle
return 0;
1 :Subs: Subscription set.
1 :Main: Inserting row, f1=123.
Press 'x' and then press ENTER to continue or wait a bit,
there may be pending notifications.
3 :Main: Updating row, f1=456.
Press 'x' and then press ENTER to continue or wait a bit,
there may be pending notifications.
4 :Event: Table changed.
4 :Event: Row inserted, f1=456.
4 :Event: Table changed.
4 :Event: Row updated, f1=456.
7 :Main: Deleting row, f1=456.
Press 'x' and then press ENTER to quit or wait a bit,
there may be pending notifications.
9 :Event: Table changed.
9 :Event: Row deleted.
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